File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
asyncSerialPort.h | |
audioApi.h | |
audioClient.h | |
audioConfig.h | |
audioTypes.h | |
bcrypt.h | |
bios.h | |
command.h | Defines a class for executing commands and getting output |
configuration.h | |
contextApi.h | |
contextClient.h | |
dateSourceTypes.h | |
defTypes.h | This file include types and structs used by the classes of this project |
dpyError.h | |
dpyMwClient.h | |
dpyMwDealer.h | Header of the DpyMwDealer class |
dpyMwPublisher.h | Header of the DpyMwPublisher class |
dpyMwRouter.h | Header of the DpyMwRouter class |
dpyMwServer.h | Header of the DpyMwServer.h class |
dpyMwSubscriber.h | Header of the DpyMwSubscriber class |
dpyScmError.h | |
ecuApi.h | |
ecuClient.h | |
ecuTypes.h | |
enum.h | |
files.h | A common files library |
fileWatcher.h | |
firmware.h | Defines a class for checking firmware binaries available for upgrading |
geofencingApi.h | |
geofencingClient.h | |
gnssApi.h | |
gnssClient.h | |
gnssPosition.h | |
gpio.h | A general GPIO utilities working class |
gpioApi.h | |
gpioClient.h | |
healthApi.h | |
healthClient.h | |
healthTypes.h | |
HubCtlManager.h | |
i2c.h | A general I2C accessing library |
iAudioTask.h | |
iCall.h | |
iContext.h | |
iGpio.h | |
iJob.h | |
imagerscanengineApi.h | |
imagerscanengineClient.h | |
iModem.h | |
iModemList.h | |
imuApi.h | |
imuClient.h | |
iPower.h | |
iPrinter.h | |
iPrinterList.h | |
iScanEngineDevice.h | |
iScanEngineDeviceList.h | |
iSim.h | |
iVoiceCallSource.h | |
iVoiceCallSourceList.h | |
logconfigApi.h | |
logconfigClient.h | Header of the LogConfigClient class |
logging.h | |
mcuApi.h | |
mcuApiPrivate.h | |
mcuClient.h | |
mcuTypes.h | |
messageManager.h | |
modemApi.h | |
modemApiPrivate.h | |
modemClient.h | |
networking.h | |
node_blf.h | |
openbsd.h | |
otaupdaterApi.h | |
otaupdaterClient.h | |
platformmanagerApi.h | |
platformmanagerClient.h | |
platformManagerTypes.h | |
powermanagerApi.h | |
powermanagerClient.h | Header of the powermanagerClient class |
printConfig.h | |
printerApi.h | |
printerClient.h | |
restClient.h | |
rtcApi.h | |
rtcClient.h | |
scmApi.h | |
scmClient.h | |
scmTypes.h | |
serialMsgManager.h | |
serialPort.h | |
serialportApi.h | |
serialportClient.h | |
serialportTypes.h | |
simSource.h | |
simSource_test.h | |
sms.h | |
sms_test.h | |
smsApi.h | |
smsClient.h | |
smsClientServer_test.h | |
smsListConfiguration.h | |
smsListConfiguration_test.h | |
smsServer.h | Header of the SmsServer class |
smsService.h | |
smsSource.h | |
smsSourceList.h | |
status.h | Defines a class for getting Kernel and RFS status Defines a class for getting Kernel and RFS status |
syncSerialPort.h | |
systemConfiguration.h | |
systemLog.h | |
tcpServer.h | |
timeUtils.h | Header of the dpyTime namespace |
toolUtils.h | Header of the dpyTool namespace |
uboot.h | |
udpSocket.h | |
voicecallApi.h | |
voicecallClient.h |