DPYPRINTERTOOL Linux Programmer's Manual DPYPRINTERTOOL DESCRIPTION dpyprintertool : Tool used for managing thermal printer. It is used to print tickets like images and configure several parameters. SYNOPSIS dpyprintertool [-h/ --help] dpyprintertool [-tv / --toolversion] dpyprintertool [-g/ --getprinters] dpyprintertool [-pi/ --printerinfo] <printerid> dpyprintertool [-sc/ --setconfig] <printerid> [config] dpyprintertool [-gc/ --getconfig] <printerid> dpyprintertool [-pt/ --printtest] <printerid> dpyprintertool [-p/ --printimage] <printerid> <image_path> {[config]} dpyprintertool [-ph/ --printhtml] <printerid> <html_path> {[config]} dpyprintertool [-si/ --storeimage] <printerid> <image_path> <slot id> dpyprintertool [-di/ --deleteimage] <printerid> <slot id> dpyprintertool [-psi/ --printstoredimage] <printerid> <slot id> {[config]} dpyprintertool [-gi/ --getimages] <printerid> dpyprintertool [-ja/ --alljobinfo] <printerid> dpyprintertool [-ji/ --jobinfo] <jobid> dpyprintertool [-jd/ --jobdelete] <jobid> dpyprintertool [-s/ --subscribe] OPTIONS -h / --help : Print help command information. -tv / --toolversion : Print tool version. -g / --getprinters : Returns list of avaliable printers. -sc / --setconfig <printerid> [config] : Sets configuration to printer. -gc / --getconfig <printerid> : Gets configuration from printer. -pt / --printtest <printerid>: Print a test ticket. -p / --printimage <printerid> <image_path> [configs] : Print tickets like images, returns job id. -ph / --printhtml <printerid> <html_path> [configs] : Print tickets from html format, returns job id. Description: <image_path>: Path and name of the image to be printed [configs]: optional, specific configuration for current job. Admits several configuration parameters in {Parameter Value} format. Parameter: PAPER_WIDTH: paper witdh in mm TICKET_OFFSET: ticket offset in mm UPPER_MARGIN: upper margin in mm LEFT_MARGIN: left margin in mm RIGHT_MARGIN: right margin in mm BOTTOM_MARGIN: bottom margin in mm INTENSITY: 0-LOW, 1-MEDIUM, 2-HIGH CUT_PROFILE: 0-NONE, 1-PARTIAL, 2-FULL PAPER_ADJ: 0-WITHOUT ADJUST or 1-WITH ADJUST SPEED: 0-ULTRASLOW, 1-SLOW, 2-NORMAL, 3-FAST -si / --storeimage <printerid> <image_path> <slot id> : Stores image in printer non-volatile memory. Description: <image_path>: Path and name of the image to be stored <slot id>: Slot of printer non-volatile memory where the image will be stored (0, 1, 2 or 3) -di / --deleteimage <printerid> <slot id>: Deletes image stored in printer non-volatile memory. -psi/ --printstoredimage <printerid> <slot id> [configs]: Prints image stored in printer non-volatile memory. Description: <slot id>: Slot of printer non-volatile memory where the image is stored (0, 1, 2 or 3) [configs]: optional, specific configuration for current job. Admits several configuration parameters in {Parameter Value} format. -gi/ --getimages <printerid>: Gets list of images, with their information, that are stored in each slot of printer non-volatile memory. -ja / --alljobinfo <printerid>: Returns all job info. -ji / --jobinfo <jobid> : Returns job info. -jd / --jobdelete <jobid> : Deletes a job from the list. -s / --subscribe : Subscribes to printer events (job status, maintenance,...) EXAMPLES dpyprintertool --getprinters dpyprintertool -sc 1 CUT_PROFILE 0 dpyprintertool -pt 1 dpyprintertool -p 1 /tmp/ticket1254589.bmp dpyprintertool -p 1 /tmp/image.jpg PAPER_ADJ 1 PAPER_WIDTH 50 RIGHT_MARGIN 25 LEFT_MARGIN 5 dpyprintertool -ph 1 /tmp/ticket1254589.html dpyprintertool -si 1 /tmp/image.jpg 2 dpyprintertool -di 1 2 dpyprintertool -psi 1 2 dpyprintertool -psi 1 2 PAPER_WIDTH 50 RIGHT_MARGIN 25 LEFT_MARGIN 5 dpyprintertool -gi dpyprintertool -ja 1 dpyprintertool -s FILES JSON Configuration file : /mntSFS/gmvCNF/printer_conf.json BUGS SEE ALSO AUTHORS Deepsy Team