Platform Manager
DPYPLATFORMMANAGERTOOL Linux Programmer's Manual DPYPLATFORMMANAGERTOOL DESCRIPTION dpyplatformmanagertool : Tool used to read Deepsy processes status. Moreover, it is used to configure several parameters and options related to Deepsy processes. SYNOPSIS dpyplatformmanagertool [-h/ --help] dpyplatformmanagertool [-tv / --toolversion] dpyplatformmanagertool [-ss/ --subscribetoall] dpyplatformmanagertool [-s/ --status] [name] dpyplatformmanagertool [--start] <name> dpyplatformmanagertool [--stop] <name> dpyplatformmanagertool [--add] <name> <exec> <path> <delay> <relaunch> <critical> [params] dpyplatformmanagertool [--del] <name> OPTIONS -h / --help : Print help command information. -tv / --toolversion : Print tool version. -ss / --subscribetoall : Subscribe to all events processes status. -s / --status [name] : Gets processes status. Description: [name] : Name of the process whose status needs to be shown. If [name] is not provided, all processes status are shown. --start <name> : Starts a process. Description: <name> : Name of the process to start. --stop <name> : Stops a process. Description: <name> : Name of the process to stop. --add <name> <exec> <path> <delay> <relaunch> <critical> [params] : Adds a process. Description: <name> : Name of the process to add. <exec> : Executable of the process. <path> : Path of the executable. <delay> : Delay in seconds after the platform manager starts for launching the process [0,300]. <relaunch> : Possible values are: <true> : Platform Manager must relaunch the process if it stops working. <false> : Platform Manager must not relaunch the process if it stops working. <critical> : Possible values are: <true> : Process is critical. <false> : Process is not critical. [params] : Optional parameter separated by spaces providing options to execute the process. --addext <name> <exec> <path> <delay> <relaunch> <critical> <preScriptPath> <postScriptPath> [params] : Adds a process, extended version including preScriptPath and postScriptPath options. Description: Same options as --add command, including also the following the next two options. <preScriptPath> : Path of the script to be executed before the process start. <postScriptPath> : Path of the script to be executed after the process finish. --del <name> : Deletes process. Description: <name> : Name of the process to delete. EXAMPLES dpyplatformmanagertool --status dpyplatformmanagertool -s SMS dpyplatformmanagertool --add process2 ping /bin/ 5 true false dpyplatformmanagertool --addext process2 ping /bin/ 5 true false /mntDAT/ /mntDAT/ dpyplatformmanagertool --status process2 dpyplatformmanagertool --start process2 dpyplatformmanagertool --stop process2 dpyplatformmanagertool --del process2 FILES JSON Configuration file : /mntSFS/gmvCNF/platformmanager_conf.json BUGS SEE ALSO AUTHORS Deepsy Team