OTA Updater
DPYOTAUPDATERTOOL Linux Programmer's Manual DPYOTAUPDATERTOOL DESCRIPTION dpyotaupdatertool : Tool used to read OTA Updater Information messages. Moreover, it is used to configure and deploy a valid list of packages. For updating the kernel it is necessary to create a zip file with new zImage kernel image. This file should be named zImage.zip (e.g "zip zImage.zip zImage") and stored in /mntDAT. After a few seconds OTAUpdater service will process and the new kernel will be tried to be loaded in next boot. If a boot error happens with new kernel, the system will load the old kernel automatically. After a successful update, it is possible to roll the old kernel image back. It is necessary to create a file called rollbackKernel in /mntDAT (e.g. "touch /mntDAT/rollbackKernel"). After a few seconds, the file will be removed and in next boot the system will try to load the old kernel image. Used kernel can be checked in /proc/cmdline. SYNOPSIS dpyotaupdatertool [-h/ --help] dpyotaupdatertool [-tv / --toolversion] dpyotaupdatertool [-i/ --info] dpyotaupdatertool [-ii/ --infoper] dpyotaupdatertool [-o/ --operpctg] dpyotaupdatertool [-op/ --operpctgper] dpyotaupdatertool [-s/ --sync] dpyotaupdatertool [-ul/ --updatelist] dpyotaupdatertool [-v/ --version] <packages> dpyotaupdatertool [-vd/ --versiond] <packages> dpyotaupdatertool [-vr/ --versionr] <packages> dpyotaupdatertool [-g/ --upgrade] <packages> dpyotaupdatertool [-n/ --install] <packages> dpyotaupdatertool [-u/ --uninstall] <packages> dpyotaupdatertool [-r/ --rollback] dpyotaupdatertool [-d/ --discard] dpyotaupdatertool [-a/ --ack] dpyotaupdatertool [-al/ --add] <name> <type> <baseurl> dpyotaupdatertool [-dl/ --del] <name> dpyotaupdatertool [-ll/ --list] OPTIONS -h / --help : Print help command information. -tv / --toolversion : Print tool version. -i / --info : Gets service status. -ii / --infoper : Gets service status in a permanent mode. -o / --operpctg : Gets operation percentage. -op / --operpctgper : Gets operation percentage in a permanent mode. -s / --sync : Synchronizes repository. -ul / --updatelist : Gets updates list. -v / --version [packages] : Gets version of provided package. Description: [packages] : Name of the packages separated by spaces. If [packages] is not provided, all package versions are shown. -vd / --versiond [packages] : Gets packages which version in current RFS differs from alternative RFS. Description: [packages]: Name of the packages separated by spaces. If [packages] is not provided, all package different versions are shown. -vr/ --versionr [packages]: Gets remote available versions of provided packages. Description: [packages]: Name of the packages separated by spaces. If [packages] is not provided, all package versions are shown. -g / --upgrade [packages] : Upgrade alternative RFS. Description: [packages]: Name of the packages to upgrade separated by spaces. If [packages] is not provided, all package available will be upgraded. -n / --install <packages> : Installs packages in alternative RFS. Description: <packages>: Name of the packages to install separated by spaces. -u / --uninstall <packages> : Uninstalls packages in alternative RFS. Description: <packages>: Name of the packages to uninstall separated by spaces. -r / --rollback : Rollbacks to alternative RFS (alternative RFS must be in status BACKUP). -d / --discard : Discards alternative RFS changes (alternative RFS must be in status IN_PROCESS or BACKUP). -a / --ack : Acks alternative RFS changes (alternative RFS must be in status IN_PROCESS). -al / --add <name> <type> <baseurl> : Adds a channel. Description: <name> : Name of the channel. <type> : Type of package manager. <baseurl> : Base URL to look for packages. -dl / --del <name> : Deletes a channel. Description: <name> : Name of the channel to delete. -ll / --list : Lists available channels. EXAMPLES dpyotaupdatertool --info dpyotaupdatertool --infoper dpyotaupdatertool --sync dpyotaupdatertool --updatelist dpyotaupdatertool --upgrade dpyotaupdatertool --rollback dpyotaupdatertool --add repoep100 rpm-md dpyotaupdatertool --del repoep100 dpyotaupdatertool --list FILES JSON Configuration file : /mntSFS/gmvCNF/otaupdater_conf.json BUGS SEE ALSO AUTHORS Deepsy Team
Additional ways to update the system
Deepsy updates can be triggered via OTAUpdater API / tool. However, there are several functionalities which are not included in the API that allow users to update Kernel , Root File system or other elements manually.
Details can be found at : Additional ways to update the system